Fall 2024: CS 1436.
Programming Fundamentals

Instructor: Brian Wescott Ricks
Laboratory Teaching Assistant: William T. Doan

Syllabus: View here

Course Overview

Introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include software development methodology, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging. Programming language of choice is C. The class is open to students in the School of Engineering and Computer Science only. Credit cannot be received for both courses, (CS 1336 and CS 1136) and CS 1436. Note that a grade of C or better in this class is required to register for (CE 1337 or CS 1337). This is a 4 semester credit hour course.

Office Hours

Office hours will be from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as 9:30 AM to 11:30 on Thursdays and Saturdays at ECSS 2.104A and via Microsoft Teams. To join virtually, an email must be sent to lastname @ (institution:= utdallas) . edu. Similar to Dr. Ricks, inquiries on assignments and labs within 24 hours of the due date will not possess the same guarantee in response as normal.


Slideshows produced for the labs will not be posted here. Instead, any lectures and content produced in service of the course objectives aforementioned will.

Table 1. All Supplemental Content Produced.
Name Link to Content Classification
A Trimesterly Review of CS 1436 (I) View here Exam Review

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