William T. Doan

Undergraduate Researcher


This webpage presents the work of William T. Doan.
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For me, great algorithms are the poetry of computation. Just like verse, they can be terse, allusive, dense, and even mysterious. But once unlocked, they cast a brilliant new light on some aspect of computing.
— John G. F. Francis


William T. Doan is an undergraduate researcher with a passion for theoretical computer science, algorithm design, string algorithms, computational biology, ad hoc networks, social networks, and data structures. He is supervised by Dr. Daniel Gibney.

Mr. Doan also does work for Dr. Julia W.P. Hsu under a Research Experience for Undergraduates grant he received from the National Science Foundation.

In addition to his research, Doan is also the Lead Teaching Assistant for the laboratories of CS 1436.001 and CS 1436.009. His teaching is advised by Dr. Brian Ricks.

Previously, Mr. Doan did research under Dr. Yapeng Tian. Under Dr. Tian, Doan conducted research in audiovisual novelty detection, audiovisual sound-source segmentation, and object detection according to joint attention at looking targets.

For more on Mr. Doan's work, see his Curriculum Vitae or Resume. For a consistently updated list of his publications, refer to his DBLP and Google Scholar profiles.

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News and Updates.
Date Description
SEP 2024 Received a $2,250 grant from the National Science Foundation to work with the Hsu Lab (REU).
SEP 2024 Began CS Lab TA position for CS 1436.001 under Dr. Brian Ricks.
SEP 2024 One paper accepted into IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
SEP 2024 Accepted a visiting student position at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
AUG 2024 Joined the Gibney Lab.
AUG 2024 Received the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Poster Award.
APR 2024 Received a $4,500 grant from the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program.
MAR 2024 One paper submitted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
SEP 2023 Joined the Computer Vision and Multimodal Computing Laboratory.
AUG 2023 Began undergraduate education at the University of Texas at Dallas.
JUN 2023 Began internship at Nerveli.
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Fall of 2024

CS 1436. Programming Fundamentals.
Introduces the fundamental concepts of structured programming. Topics include software development methodology, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and the mechanics of running, testing, and debugging.
The College Level Examination Program. American Government.
Evaluates an understanding of American government and political processes, similar to a one-semester introductory college course. It covers key topics like the institutions of the federal government (presidency, Congress, courts), civil liberties, political parties, interest groups, political beliefs and behavior, and the U.S. Constitution
The College Level Examination Program. Principles of Macroeconomics.
Evaluates a student's understanding of macroeconomic principles, including aggregate demand, aggregate supply, and the use of monetary and fiscal policy tools. Focuses on the broader aspects of economics that apply to an entire economy, such as the general price level, output, income, and the relationships among different sectors of the economy. Overview basic economic concepts like scarcity and comparative advantage, as well as measurements such as gross domestic product (GDP), consumption, investment, unemployment, and inflation.
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Hear Me, See Me, Understand Me: Audio-Visual Autism Behavior Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
Shijian Deng, Erin E. Kosloski, Siddhi Patel, Zeke A. Barnett, Yiyang Nan, Alexander Kaplan, Sisira Aarukapalli, William T. Doan, Matthew Wang, Harsh Singh, Pamela R. Rollins, Yapeng Tian
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  • $2,250 from the National Science Foundation for REU in September of 2024.
  • $4,500 from the Summer Platform for Undergraduate Research in April of 2024.
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    Awards and Accolades

    The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science Poster Award. Issued: 2 August 2024.
    Awards are given based on judging of poster presentations. Posters are judged by 2-4 experts who may include faculty, graduate students, and staff members.
    Certificate of Congressional Recognition. Issued: 4 June 2022.
    This Certificate of Congressional Recognition was bestowed upon Mr. Doan by Congressman Van Taylor, the United States representative for Texas's third congressional district at the time in recognition and furtherance of his "outstanding citizenship in [his] community and for [his] country."
    Certificate of Congratulations. Issued: 4 June 2022.
    This Certificate of Congratulations was bestowed upon Mr. Doan by Texas State Senator Angela Paxton and State Representative Jeff Leach of the eighth senatorial district and the sixty-seventh representative district respectively. It was given to recognize Mr. Doan's graduation as well as his work "in [his] community, state, and country."
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  • Dr. Daniel Gibney, thesis advisor.
  • Dr. Julia W.P. Hsu, REU advisor.
  • Dr. Brian Ricks, teaching advisor.
  • Dr. Yapeng Tian, former research advisor.
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    Queries can be sent to lastname @ (institution:= utdallas) . edu. Connect with Mr. Doan on LinkedIn and view his GitHub here.

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    © 2024 William T. Doan